’Tis the season …

· by Sara I. Fabrikant · in Research, What's new

In line with the Digital Society Initiative, which involves several GIUZ researchers, I asked artificial intelligence (AI) to help me develop a timely GIUZ Christmas Carol. I wish you happy holidays, non-digital recreation at the end of the year and a healthy slide into 2023!

ChatGPT: Create a Christmas carol that contains «One Earth, Many Worlds at GIUZ»

One Earth, Many Worlds, at GIUZ
A message we all must choose
To embrace and understand
This land is not just for one man

One Earth, Many Worlds, at GIUZ
A reminder to be kind and true
To all those who share this place
No matter their race or face

One Earth, Many Worlds, at GIUZ
A call to love and be true
To the earth and all its creatures
And to each other, our dearest features

One Earth, Many Worlds, at GIUZ
A song of hope and peace
May the joy of Christmas fill
Our hearts and spirits, until

One Earth, Many Worlds, at GIUZ
We all come to understand
That we are all connected
And together, we stand
On this one earth, with many worlds, at GIUZ.

Sara I. Fabrikant

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