Colourful flames and mysterious scents
Open doors at our PHYS labs: Usually we analyse environmental material to answer geoscience questions. On Thursday 9 March we prepared a special “show-and-tell” with examples from everyday experience.
Smells – Can your nose beat the high-tech analytics?
Try to identify the natural biological substances by their scent!
Salty fireworks – how salts color flames
… and how we use it to quantify chemicals.
Liquid nitrogen cools ethanol – and then dissolves shell material
Same same, but different – how different waters makes different coffee
… and fresh hot waffles were offered.
Thank you all for coming!
Yves Brügger, Barbara Siegfried, Dimitry Tikhomirov, Michael Schmidt, Thomy Keller
Images by Tatjana Speckert and Franziska Schwarzenbach